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Free Onboarding Checklists and Templates

Free Onboarding Checklists and Templates
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Hiring managers have many responsibilities when onboarding personnel. It helps to have a new hire checklist to make sure that you cover all the bases—especially in the face of the new normal.

Methodical onboarding helps new hires adjust to their team role. What’s more, it sets a standard for what’s expected of them. Most importantly, methodical onboarding sets new employees up for success.

Successful onboarding delivers better staff performance. It also results in improved employee satisfaction. In turn, your company will enjoy improved employee engagement and retention.

Keep reading for our free onboarding checklist and templates for 2021. You can also download our free New Employee Orientation Checklist here.

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Things to Remember: A Hiring Checklist

Modern HR professionals face new onboarding challenges. Comprehensive onboarding is a win-win for everyone. A systematic method of introducing a new employee to your company can help you to overcome today’s obstacles.

The following checklist offers 12 steps you’ll want to consider as part of your onboarding process.

1. Submit job requisition before the final hiring decision
2. Prepare new hire paperwork
3. Procure new hire devices and equipment
4. Set up new hire on all relevant systems through IT
5. Set up new hire workspace
6. Schedule new hire orientation
7. Send welcome email or packet to new employee
8. Provide new hire with a facility tour
9. Introduce new hire to peer mentor
10. Announce the hiring of the new employee internally
11. Schedule post-hire meeting one to two weeks out for onboarding feedback
12. Schedule 30-, 60- and 90-day check-ins with new hire

Of course, these are general items that you’ll want to include in your new employee checklist. You can add or remove items as needed.

There are many steps involved in preparing a new hire for their role successfully. A new hire orientation checklist can help you to make sure that you don’t miss important tasks.

The early stages of employment set the tone for employee sentiment. By following a methodical employee onboarding checklist, you can deliver the best employee experience possible.

Onboarding Templates for Hiring Managers

It may surprise you how often companies overlook establishing a concrete onboarding process. Many firms throw their onboarding process together at the last minute. This practice is ill-advised.

A poor onboarding experience can have a negative effect on morale and employee engagement. A few industry-specific templates may help you to build the perfect onboarding process for your company.

You most likely know a great deal about your company’s onboarding process. However, you may not have considered the process as a whole.

Onboarding is the entire process that encompasses bringing a new hire into your organization. In addition to completing paperwork, you’ll also want to provide the best experience possible.

The following industry-related templates may help you to ensure that you don’t miss any vital onboarding steps.

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General Onboarding Template

Again, you’ll need to prepare any needed employee paperwork. This paperwork might include tax forms, compliance documentation, and basic details about the new employee’s roles and responsibilities. In addition, you’ll want to:

• Approve employee paperwork
• Discuss project goals with the employee’s supervisor
• Discuss roles and responsibilities
• Prepare employee workspace

You also want to assign any required reading, training, or other steps that will help your new employee get up to speed.


Retail Onboarding Template

In a retail setting, you’ll want to collect any vital forms that the new hire must complete. You’ll also want to schedule a welcome video screening or provide online access for the same. In addition, you’ll want to:

• Go over job expectations and performance requirements
• Introduce your new hire to employees and team members
• Schedule a facility tour, including an explanation of technology and systems

Furthermore, you’ll want to provide your new hire with more specific or advanced training if needed.

Food and Beverage Industry Onboarding Template

The food and beverage environment is fast-paced. You’ll want to start the onboarding process by highlighting employee work duties and introductions to staff members.

You also want to assign a mentor that will help your new hire learn the intricacies of the job. In addition, you’ll want to:

• Inform all staff members of the new hire
• Schedule follow-up meetings for feedback if needed
• Schedule performance reviews for the first week and month

You’ll also want to provide the new hire with opportunities to ask questions or to provide them with more information if needed.


Field Operative Onboarding Template

With company field operatives, you’ll want to confirm the home office location and job start date. You’ll also want to provide your new hire with contact information and other important details.

Also, you want to send an employee welcome packet or email before the new hire starts. In addition, you should:

• Confirm start date 3 to 5 days ahead of schedule
• Deliver field-based equipment such as a laptop, mobile device, or other specialized equipment
• Provide access to needed documentation

You’ll also want to schedule regular check-ins for the first week and beyond to make sure that your new hire is getting up to speed adequately.

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Remote Worker Onboarding Template

Onboarding a remote worker requires clear communication. For instance, you must provide a written explanation of a new hire’s role and responsibilities clearly.

You must also clearly communicate your company’s culture, mission, values and other details.
In addition, you’ll want to:

• Craft interview questions that clearly communicate the work environment of your company
• Prepare all important documents, such as the job offer, tax forms, job description, and other information
• Walk the new hire through company-specific information, such as your organizational chart, directory, handbooks, and other information

You’ll also want to make arrangements to have all documents e-signed with highly capable HR software. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place to learn about just such a solution.

Thinking Beyond Your New Hire Checklist

HR Cloud is a powerful tool for delivering employee engagement. With our platform, you’ll make your new hires feel like part of the team. More importantly, you’ll keep them excited, motivated, and informed throughout their career.

We provide you with the tools that you need to encourage existing team members and welcome new hires. Furthermore, our technology makes it easy for you to show staff that they’re part of a team with informal recognition, kudos, and other great forms of encouragement.

With HR Cloud, you can recognize and reward employees early and often. What’s more, you can maintain a two-way conversation with your staff members seamlessly.

We also provide resources that enable you to train employees on existing systems such as company internets and CMSs. With our platform, you can easily provide your staff with the information that they need to do their jobs.

You can also use our technology to schedule regular meetings. You can use these meetings to answer questions or provide feedback about employee performance.

With HR Cloud, you’ll have everything that you need to manage the employee experience successfully—from start to finish.



Setting the Stage for Effective Onboarding

New hires must consume a lot of information. It helps to provide new hires with information in chunks. This technique enables new hires to process information better and get up to speed faster.

For example, you can start out by training a new hire on your company’s values, mission, and goals. An overview of their job-related project and deliverable responsibilities is ideal for the next phase of training.

Next, you can provide them with information about the company structure, such as your various departments and workflows. Here, you’ll also want to go over the key people in charge of running the company.

You also want to provide a separate training where you can dive into a new employee’s role and responsibilities. During this part of training, you’ll also go over whom the new hire reports to and introduce them to their coworkers.

During the next training chunk, you can introduce the new hire to your company tools. You’ll want to provide step-by-step guides to help your new employee become familiar with the tools that they must use to do their job during this training phase. As you can see, new hires have a lot of information to consume.

Manual onboarding processes can prove frustrating. However, automation can help you to streamline the training process.

With HR Cloud, you can deliver clear and consistent training to your employees. What’s more, you can develop customized compliance, onboarding, and action-item checklists to ensure that every new hire experiences the best onboarding process possible.

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Get Hiring Right from Day One

Hopefully, our free onboarding checklists and templates for 2021 will get your future hiring initiatives off to a solid start. With HR Cloud, you can automate your new employee orientation checklist for maximum productivity.

Our technology enables you to create a memorable onboarding process. What’s more, it will enable you to improve HR productivity and deliver a professional onboarding experience.

With HR cloud, you’ll have all the tools needed to take your onboarding process to the next level. From a customized new hire checklist to progress reports, HR Cloud Onboard will give you a competitive edge.

Connect with HR Cloud today to request a free demo.


About Author: This article is written by a marketing team member at HR Cloud. HR Cloud is a leading provider of proven HR solutions, including recruiting, onboarding, employee communications & engagement, and rewards & recognition. Our user-friendly software increases employee productivity, delivers time and cost savings, and minimizes compliance risk.

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