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Livermore Pets Livermore Pets
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Livermore Pets Transitions from Facebook Workplace to HR Cloud for Enhanced Communication and Engagement

Livermore Pets is a veteran animal hospital seeking to improve communication, engagement, and knowledge sharing among its distributed workforce.

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After experiencing limitations with Facebook Workplace, the organization transitioned to Workmates by HR Cloud in early 2023. Within the first year, HR Cloud addressed 98% of Livermore Pets' connectivity and collaboration requirements.

Challenges with Previous Solution

Prior to Workmates by HR Cloud, Livermore Pets utilized Facebook Workplace to connect its rotating teams across locations. However, the functionality proved restrictive over time:

  • Missing features limited Workplace's ability to meet all communication needs
  • Navigation and content organization was cumbersome
  • Ensuring post visibility and acknowledgment was difficult

Selection Process

After experiencing growing pains with Workplace, Livermore Pets searched for alternative connectivity platforms aligned to its use cases. During this process, the organization discovered Workmates by HR Cloud.

The streamlined onboarding process enabled by HR Cloud has led to a "significant 60% reduction in procedural queries from new hires." This allows them to start contributing faster with greater confidence.

The decision to adopt Workmates by HR Cloud stemmed from its superior feature set for Livermore Pets' goals around communication, engagement, and knowledge sharing. Specifically, Workmates by HR Cloud provided:

  • Announcements ensuring post-visibility
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Options for better content organization
  • Real-time chat

These capabilities addressed the limitations faced with Facebook Workplace.

Implementation and Adoption

During the rollout, Livermore Pets provided formal HR Cloud training sessions to ease adoption. Within the first months, nearly all employees accessed Workmates by HR Cloud daily via mobile, with a minority preferring the desktop site.

Ongoing traction is encouraged through verbal reminders during daily team huddles. When engagement is low, leadership uses face-to-face meetings to prompt participation.


Livermore Pets saw a 98% adoption rate across their workforce.

  • home icon Industry:Veterinary
  • employee icon Location:Livermore, CA
  • calendar icon Years in business:67 years
  • idea icon Solutions:Workmates
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Results and Impact

After nearly a year with Workmates by HR Cloud, Livermore Pets reports high satisfaction levels thanks to improved communication and alignment with existing processes:

  • 98% of connectivity needs met
  • Increased post visibility through announcements
  • Simplified navigation for employees
  • Seamless integration with daily team huddles

Additionally, the organization highlights Workmates by HR Cloud's company events feature as invaluable for coordinating specialty doctor visits and social happenings.

While engagement varies, Livermore Pets feels Workmates by HR Cloud establishes a strong knowledge-sharing foundation as adoption matures. The organization recently recommended the platform at an industry conference.

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"The functionality of HR Cloud has proven to be more effective for Livermore Pets needs compared to Workplace. While Workplace is larger, HR Cloud's functionality aligns better with their requirements, making it easier for the team to navigate and engage."

Jessica Mayer Office Manager

Key Takeaways

Livermore Pets' experience highlights Workmates by HR Cloud's suitability for veterinary hospitals, clinics, and distributed workforces seeking to upgrade outdated social intranets. Specifically, the platform empowered this organization to:

  • Replace Facebook Workplace through alignment with use cases
  • Enable seamless communication across locations
  • Increase post visibility and acknowledgment
  • Simplify navigation and access to information
  • Coordinate events and social happenings

For organizations experiencing similar limitations, HR Cloud warrants consideration as an engaging, user-friendly alternative.

Behavioral Progression

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