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10 Proven Tips To Successfully Onboarding New Hires

Jul 21, 2021
10 Proven Tips To Successfully Onboarding New Hires
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A well-designed and well-executed onboarding process can make a huge difference in your retention efforts. It can also help your new hires secure a long and rewarding career in the organization. In terms of structure and rigor, your onboarding process should be similar to your candidate experience. After all, you want your new hire to feel comfortable in his new position as soon as possible. 

There are numerous advantages to making a smooth transition from candidate to employee. You'll not only increase retention, but you'll also improve your brand image and become a company that candidates want to work for. Others will want to work for you if you are perceived as compassionate and nurturing to new employees.

It's a new trend that looks set to continue for a long time to come. What can you add to improve the process if you don't already have an organized, proven onboarding process? Here is a quick guide to improving the process and successfully onboarding new hires.

Before new employees arrive

Before your new employee arrives, make sure you have prepared thoroughly. The last thing you want is for them to show up on the first day and get stuck in an unpleasant situation. It will not improve their opinion of the company.

To help you, we have compiled a list of things you can do to be ready for their arrival.

Make an employee handbook

It's always a great idea to keep your company's employee handbook up-to-date. It's a wonderful resource for every new employee, whether it's a physical book or an online document. It's worth noting that updating an online resource is much easier.

This can include a list of all key personnel, company policies, and who employees should contact if they have any questions. Your sick leave policy, probation periods, and how to schedule annual leave, can employees get paid via bitcoin are just a few examples.

It's also useful for new employees because they'll have somewhere to turn to if they have questions about the process or the rules. The handbook also serves as a useful reference for all employees during their stay in your organization.

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Create an agenda for their first week

Make sure you have a schedule for their first week. This will not only give them some direction and an idea of what they'll be doing, but it will also help you stay organized. 

Describe any planned training, tasks to be completed, and meetings with key members of staff on the agenda. This can assist you to demonstrate that you have planned ahead of time for their arrival. As a result, they won't feel like fish out of water.   

Schedule a meeting

Schedule a meeting with all essential members of staff to introduce your new hire. This could be for training purposes or simply to provide an overview of their work.

Again, this will help your new hire adapt to the workplace and feel more at ease and comfortable with coworkers. It's also beneficial for them to be aware of everyone's function within the team.

On their first day

The importance of first impressions cannot be overemphasized, and you want your new employee to have a positive first day at your company. What’s more, starting a new job can be stressful, so you want them to feel comfortable right away. There are a few basic steps you may take to guarantee a new recruit is successfully onboarded. These are outlined below.

Give them a companion

It's critical that you spend time onboarding your new hire as a manager. However, you must continue to carry out your regular tasks. 

Let’s say your new hire doesn’t know when to post on Instagram. This is not a big problem, assign him a buddy to guide him through the process.

That is why assigning them a buddy may be a beneficial solution. This might be another member of your team who can answer any of their more basic queries and guide them while you are not around. This might be another member of your staff who can help them with their more important questions and provide guidance while you are away. So, whether it’s a difficult task regarding a more successful user acquisition process or something small like how to manage their daily routine, it will also help build team working spirit and a friendly atmosphere. 

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Take a tour of the office

This does not have to be a time-consuming procedure. Give them a fast tour of the workplace, introduce them to each team and give a quick summary of who everyone is. This is also your chance to show them around the office, including the kitchen, bathroom, and any other useful areas. 

The HR team is the first responsible for the process of successful employee onboarding and settling down. However, other team members should also be open and engage the new hire into the team. 

After spending so much time in the office, it's easy to forget that everything is new. However, never underestimate the importance of showing your new hire how to make a tasty cup of tea!

Book a team lunch

Booking a team lunch on their first day is a good idea. This is also a fantastic opportunity for them to get to know their coworkers on a more personal level outside of the office and to learn more about their team.

Don’t forget to shoot a fun video with your new team member and post it on your Youtube channel. You can use various useful tools like Youtube thumbnail downloader, video editing, channel management tools to create a professional and engaging video. This will be a big plus for your social marketing. Applicants wishing to work for your company will be delighted with this warm welcome. Plus, you will improve your brand image. 

Keep track of video marketing statistics, to use video as part of your marketing wheel.

During the first few weeks

Almost half of the professionals admit that they continue to search for a job during the first month of work. This is not good if you want to successfully recruit a new employee. You should help them get comfortable and feel like a member of the team within the first few weeks.

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Set goals for them

While you may want to give them a week or two to adjust to their new role, setting goals for them sooner rather than later is a smart idea. This gives them some direction and reassures them that they are making a significant contribution to the team.

They can be simple goals to achieve or merely to have a better understanding of the company's operations. From your marketing team to develop, make sure they know that their final goal is to track the SMS integration process or make major changes in the code written. By settling these objectives, you can guarantee that your new hires understand what you expect from them. In addition, they will not get bored!

Meet with them regularly

Chat regularly with the new team member. This way, you'll be able to see how they're doing and address any potential issues early on. Schedule a meeting with them at the end of each week. You can talk about their goals and know how they feel about their new role.

During the first weeks, it’s also important to get to know the new member as much as possible. Also known as employee recognition, this process helps you uncover all hidden talents, skills, and resources your new person can provide. Check out how you can avoid making mistakes while practicing this strategy. 


Discuss their progress

It seems absurd to discuss your new hire's next career move so soon after starting. They only recently joined, after all! Setting out a clear path for progress, on the other hand, is critical for morale. Professionals do not want to be stuck in a position that prevents them from getting promoted.

Besides making sure to improve business sales and promotion, you should also take good care of your employee progress in various ways. It would be nice to ask if there are any additional workouts that they think they need or would like. You can also find out what they want from the organization and what they hope to achieve over the next few years.

Invest in the right tools and automate your processes

You should use the right tools if you want to onboard as quickly and successfully as possible. If everything is done manually, it might be a time-consuming process that reduces your productivity. 

There are many tools available but finding the best performance management solution will depend on your needs. You should automate whatever you can besides using the tools.

This can reduce the time and effort required to onboard new employees, and save you money and time. Everything from HR Payroll Systems to training software can benefit from automation to speed up the process and make it more enjoyable for your new hires. Any employee app that can help you improve the onboarding experience should be considered.


It's crucial to remember that new employees aren't always loyal to your company from the start. To ensure a smooth and successful onboarding process, follow these simple steps.

This will increase the likelihood that your new hire will want to stay and develop at your company. It will also help him get up to speed faster and start making a real impact on the company.


About Author: This article is written by the Marketing Team of HR Cloud. HR Cloud is a leading global provider of Applicant Tracking, Onboarding, Offboarding, Communications, Engagement, Recognition, and Financial Wellness solutions. Its powerful and user-friendly software eliminates manual/paper processes, increases employee productivity and engagement, improves time and cost savings, and reduces regulatory compliance risk. 

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